K-GYM – Delfi sporto centras
  • Lietuviškai


Reserve time

Tel.: +370 606 40042

Email: ateik@atrasksporta.lt


Vilnius Judo Academy and KGYM Sports and Wellness Center have been operating since 2014 therefore, it have accumulated a large amount of experience and knowledge.

Coaches are highly qualified educators with extensive experience working with children.

Children from the age of 3 are invited to play sports in this club. In sports such as: acrobatic, artistic, training and sports gymnastics, parkour, aerial acrobatics, baby exercise and gymnastics.

In trainings, we use integrated training methods, which gives children the opportunity not only to improve their skills, but also to apply the learned elements in other sports. The curriculum is prepared in such a way that the children are not bothered by the routine, and they achieve the set goals willingly, memorably and cheerfully.

Our club’s aspiration is for modern children and youth to be as physically active as possible, so we think a big victory for us is that more and more children join our community and discover sports together with us and our coaches.