About – Delfi sporto centras
  • Lietuviškai


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Triple B Sports Academy is a health and sports academy for children and adults. Born from many years of training experience and the desire to gather a vibrant and healthy community of physically active people.

The vision of the sports academy is a wide variety of training for adults, the largest number of training for children and teenagers in the city. This is what we have believed for many years and we want to share our values with you.

Why Triple B?

At the Triple B Sports Academy, we don’t just move barbells – here we create a space that would develop and nurture a love for physical activity, become an example for young people and adults, and encourage movement, which becomes an integral part of each of our lives.

We believe that the fastest and most targeted change in sports can be achieved through continuous learning and education, understanding each client, mutual communication and open thinking. All these principles are our values.

Try us for free: https://triplebsa.pushpress.com/landing/plans/plan_b053e3f1aba47c